Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (610) 660-1556 Admissions Phone : (610) 660-1300 Campus Description: 60-acre, suburban campus in Philadelphia, five miles from city center. Served by air, bus, and train. School operates transportation to train station. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 4 fraternities on campus. 19% of the men join a fraternity. Sororities: We have 3 sororities on campus. 13% of the women join a sorority. Religious Organizations: Minority Student Organizations: Black Awareness Society Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Association Other Student Organizations: glee club, chorus, band, debating, dance troupe, drama group, Bread forthe World, Hand-in-Hand Service Organization, Pro-Life Organization,Community Action Program, Amnesty International, departmental groups Total Registered Organizations: 73 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Hawk, published once/week; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio