Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (800) 232-1339 Admissions Phone : (800) 232-1339 Campus Description: 247-acre, suburban campus in Duluth
Organizations: Fraternities: Sororities: Religious Organizations: Council of Religious Advisers, Bahai, Baptist Campus Ministry, BereanBible Study, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, Episcopal Campus Ministry,Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Jewish student organization, NewmanCatholic Ministries, Lutheran Campus Ministry, Unitarian Campus Ministry,United Campus Ministry Minority Student Organizations: Black Student Association, Anishinabe Club, Hispanic/Latino/ChicanoOrganization, Southeast Asian Association Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Club, International Alumni Association, ChineseStudent Organization, Southeast Asian Association Other Student Organizations: jazz ensembles, jazz choir, concert band, wind ensemble, chamber musicgroups, orchestra, chorus, departmental, political, professional,service, social action, recreational, and special-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: 130 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Statesman, published weekly; Radio