Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (509) 359-2314 Admissions Phone : (509) 359-2397 Campus Description: 335-acre, suburban campus in Cheney, 17 miles from Spokane. Airport, train, and bus serve Spokane. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 6 fraternities on campus. 6% of the men join a fraternity. 6 of the fraternities have a chapter house. Sororities: We have 5 sororities on campus. 4% of the women join a sorority. 1 of the sororities has a chapter house. Religious Organizations: New Beginnings, Seventh-day Adventist group, His Life CatholicOrganization, Campus Crusade for Christ, Baptist Student Ministries,Cayam, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Newman Club Minority Student Organizations: Black Student Union, MEChA, Native American Organization Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Association, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Koreanstudent groups Other Student Organizations: choral groups, orchestra, band, jazz and dance groups, theatre, radio andTV groups, outdoor recreation groups, service and special-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: 84 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Easterner, published once/week; Magazine; Radio; TV