Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (207) 725-3273 Admissions Phone : (207) 725-3100 Campus Description: 110-acre campus in Brunswick, 26 miles from Portland. Served by bus; airport serves Portland; larger airport and train serve Boston, Mass. (120 miles).
Past Performance:
Schools Selected by our Graduates: Boston College Law Sch, UC at Berkeley, Georgetown University, Harvard University, University ofWisconsin at Madison. Our students hired by: Coopers and Lybrand, Deloitte & Touche, First Boston, ICF Kaiser, Peace Corps, Sun Life, UNUM. Famous Alumni: Franklin Pierce, 14th president of the UniversityS.; Nathaniel Hawthorne, author; Admiral Robert Peary and Commander Donald B. MacMillan, Arctic explorers; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet; Joan Benoit Samuelson, Olympic champion marathon runner; William Cohen, UniversityS. senator; George Mitchell, former UniversityS. senator and majority leader.